Tortellini with Peas & Prosciutto

Time for another episode of cooking in the kitchen with Daisy, ‘tis’n’t it?

Yes, tis. (Being the author of this bog, I get to say when it’s time for another episode.  You, on the other hand, get to read it.  Or not.)

Today Daisy is going all Italian having located an Italian recipe on one of those new fangled machines but it’ll make Mrs. Patmore happy because it involves chopping with the large knife and cooking in pots and pans like regular cooks should do.  Certainly if they are the cooks for Downton Abbey, or in our case, PollyAnna Abbey.

“First off, let’s get that apron upon our shoulders, Daisy, and you’ll be about the choppin’ of parsley and garlic, there, won’t you?”


”I’d be about choppin’ in THAT apron?” quizzed Daisy. “It come from the trip Lady Mary made to Itlee, now then, din’ it?  And I’m to wear it am I?”


“Put ‘ton now and be about choppin’!” Mrs. Patmore answered. 

Indeed said apron had been acquired by Lady Mary (played by moi, of course) when she had been to Itlee a few years ago and stayed in the, uhhhh, palace there for the winter vacation. 

Oh alright, Weeders.  It was a farm (called a fattoria I think in Italian.  Yes, the opposite of a fat farm.  It is a place you go to GET fat.  Which worked in my case, but not in Lady Mary’s case.)  But what’s in a name, anyway?  It WAS in IT-LEE!


image  image



Yes, that’s the place.  And here is Carson cooking, of all things!



Thankfully, Carson kept his day job.  The instructor couldn’t speak a word of English in this cooking class.  But she kept talkin’ about ‘’l’olive ‘loil’…and pouring same into every dish.  Lots of it.image

I digress.  On with the recipe, now then, Daisy………

“Alright then, what it says is to get all these things together—so may I ask Ivy to do that Mrs. Patmore?  She’s got to be good for somethin’” Daisy muttered under her breath.

“Yes, I suppose you may, but you’d best change that tone to Ivy, now, Missy, or you’ll soon be findin’ you’ll be doin’ all the choppin and getting’ your own self.” replied Mrs. Patmore.

image  “There now, Daisy, I’ve chopped you a bunch of parsley and sliced up 3 garlic clovers.  Is that all you’ll be needin’ from me?” Ivy sarcastically asked.

“Oh, I’ll get the rest meself!” Daisy answered irritably.

And so she did:

1 pound meat-filled tortellini


2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

4 ounces prosciutto, finely chopped

3 cloves of garlic which Ivy already chopped

2 tablespoon tomato paste

1/4 cup heavy cream

1 cup frozen peas, thawed

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (already done)

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

Directions:  (Daisy, you may do the honors here)

“First, put a pot of water on to boil and put a little olive oil and some salt in it for the cookin’ of the tortellini.  Once it gets started………

“Now, then, I’m going to pan fry this prosciutto in the pan with the olive oil,” Daisy instructed.


“Do that until it’s crispy and then add the 3 chopped garlic cloves to it and the tomato paste.  Stir around well and cook for about 1 minute.  Ladle in about 1 cup of the pasta cooking water and simmer until reduced by about half which should take 3 to 4 minutes.  Then add the cream and simmer until slightly thick, about 2 to 3 minutes.

“MEANWHILE, when the tortellini has about 2 minutes left to cook, throw in the peas.  When it’s all done, drain the pasta and peas and then add to the mixture on the stove.

“Stir in the parsley (about 2 Tablespoons).  Toss well to coat all ingredients.

“Top with Parmesan cheese.”


“Mrs. Hughes?” Daisy inquired, “Are you there now?  It’s time for some tidying up!”

Well, Mrs. Hughes had taken the afternoon off,


Mrs. Hughes taking the afternoon off (above). 

(As previously established, Security is playing the part of Mrs. Hughes in these adventures.  She seems to really enjoy her day in the sun.  Pun intended.)

but heard Daisy calling so came rushing to the kitchen.

“Yes, what is it Daisy?”  Mrs. Hughes inquired…..

“Would you mind tidying up a bit please, Mrs. Hughes?”

“Oh, of course not, Daisy.  I’d be happy to do that for you.”


Recipe from Food-network-kitchens.