Naming Your Closets and such

“Huh?”  Jabber looked quite perplexed and apoplectic.

“Hey!  Is that a furren word?”  Now Jabber was perplexed, apoplectic and confused to boot.


Oh never mind, Jabber.  It doesn’t matter anyway–I’m just sort of poking fun at you. 

Reading another blog just now, I came across an article with a funny title.  The gist of the article was that this person had closets and he’d named them–and the title of the article was “Defeating Monica.”  This gentleman lives in San Fran and is a renowned interior designer.  It’s “Adventures of the Tartan Scot” website and I occasionally check in to see what he’s been up to lately.

The thought occurred to me that it might be much more entertaining to Jabberwocky if I named various closets and cupboards–this could then induce her to defeat various clutter areas and/or projects with a sense of humor, perhaps, or at the very least she’d have something on whom she could vent her frustration/anger.

I like the idea.

The Princess  Closet is becoming a bit askew, so I shall attack her first–she’s already got a name.

You recall the Princess Closet, don’t you?  Sure you do!


Next up will be Jean-Paul who resides in the guest bath area–he’s always a jumble of miscellaneous towels and overflowing cleaning products.  (Yes, yes.  He’s French.  It IS the French Bathroom, after all….  And yes, his last name is L’armoire.)


(Jean-Paul L’armoire above)

“His last name is “amore”?  Doesn’t that mean ‘to love’ in French?” Jabber asked, always inquisitive and almost always confused.

No.  And Yes.

He has a voracious appetite, too–always eating things.  Some things I KNOW I put on his shelves for safekeeping are simply not there the next time I look.  This I do not understand.


Oh, no.

No, not all the  closets are ladies.  Some are gentlemen.  Some are cute and some aren’t.

I mean, Dentrix who lives in the office is in no way cute.  He’s a mess, to say the least.  He really DOES need to get his act in order and I suppose I’m going to have to help him at that.  Like many men, he’s relatively helpless when it comes to organization.

Dentrix (above)

George, however, is quite a gentleman and keeps his things neat and orderly.  (He was, it is rumored, a butler in a prior life.  But I can’t say for sure.  If he was, it wasn’t in MY prior life.)  This is because he has pull-out shelves which allow me to see what is what and where what is.  George already got a good bath earlier this year, so no need to worry about him.    He and Mr. Peroit often collude in adventures, I’m told.  But not by either of them.


George (above)

So there’s four of my closets named already!  It’s spring cleaning time, after all, ladies and gent mums, so might as well have a little fun and hop to…..

Thumper approves, I’m sure.